Rand Hardy

140 West Broadway
Apt. 3B
New York, N.Y. 10013
Tel: 212 233-2986
Mobile: 646 241-3821
Email: randhardy@gmail.com

1963-67 San Francisco Art Institute B.F.A.

1992-2009 New York University, New York, N.Y.
2006-2007 State University of New York at StonyBrook, L.I.
2013-2025 workshops: Art Students League, New York, N.Y.

One Person Shows
2025 "Catskill Art Space", Livingston Manor, N.Y.
2024 "TriBeCa Community on Display", 60 Hudson, New York
2019 "BlueBird", Installation at Arts Brookfield, One Liberty Plaza, New York
2018 "Lost World", The National Exemplar, New York
2017 "High Collar", The National Exemplar, New York
2016 "Working Man", The National Exemplar, New York
2014 55 Gansevoort Gallery, New York
2012 Narthex Gallery St. Peter's Church, New York
2009 m55art, Long Island City, N.Y.
2008 m55art, Long Island City, N.Y.
1993 Robert Morrison Gallery, New York
1991 Willoughby Sharp Gallery, New York

Group Shows
2022 "City Life", 57w57arts, New York, NY
2021 "Anarchy of the Imagination", Kerry Schuss Gallery, New York, NY
2020 "Marker", The National Exemplar, Iowa City, IA
2019 "Materiel Hiatus", Carl Louie Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2018 "Notebook", curated by Joanne Greenbaum, 56 Henry, New York, N,Y.
2018 "The Lucinda River", Carl Louie, London, Ontario, Canada
2017 "Constellation", Palazzina 2/Scala B, Rome, Italy
2016 "Sessile",curated by Josh Minkus, Clifford Gallery, Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y.
2016 "Shapes", curated by Ellie Rines, Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, N.Y.
2015 "Skin", Part 1 & 2, The National Exemplar Gallery, New York, N.Y.
2015 Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Rome, Italy
2015 "Small Works",Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, New York, N.Y.
2014 "American Sculpture", The National Exemplar Gallery, New York, N.Y.
2014 National Academy Museum and School, New York, N.Y.
2012 Sideshow Gallery Brooklyn N.Y.
2011 Sideshow Gallery Brooklyn N.Y.
2008 m55art New York
2007 Burlington County College Pemberton, N.J.
1999 Kouros Gallery New York
1996 The House Gallery New York
1995 Dieu Donne Paper Mill Gallery New York
1995 Marc de Montebello Gallery New York
1995 Buoys Marking the Place curated by Bill Bace New York
1994 Page 9 450 Broadway Gallery New York
1993 Edward Albee’s Other Eye Nassau County Museum Roslyn, N.Y.
1992 Robert Morrison Gallery New York
1991 Robert Morrison Gallery New York
1991 Willoughby Sharp Gallery New York
1990 Willoughby Sharp Gallery New York
1990 Dannenberg Gallery New York
1989 Hook Gallery Brooklyn, N.Y.
1987 Extension Gallery Mercerville, N.J.
1986 Art in General New York
1985 Art in General New York
1983 Art in General New York
1982 22 Wooster Gallery New York
1981 Harm Bouckaert Gallery New York
1977 Drawing show O.I.A. New York
1976 Willard Gallery New York
1973 Willard Gallery New York
1973 Whitney Annual, Whitney Museum, New York
1971 Outdoor Installation Charles Cowles Collection' New York
1970 "Information Show", Museum of Modern Art, New York